
homectrl – a raspberry pi based home automation gateway

Hey this is the introduction to a project of mine, to build a cheap home automation gateway using a raspberry pi. The gateway is (for now) capable to control 433mhz outlets and has a small touchscreen to control things directly in the future.



I started off using the raspian wheezy image. The following software/libraries/code is used to provide basic functionality

init script to init gpio i/o


#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/gpioinit

# init gpio ports (to output)
case "$1" in
    echo "setting gpio ports to output "
    /usr/local/bin/gpio -g mode 4 out
    /usr/local/bin/gpio -g mode 17 out
    #/usr/local/bin/gpio -g mode 24 out

exit 0

things done so far

Overall this little box might not win any award (not for design nor for crafing skills) but it works well since month now :). holes were cur using a cutter knife and a drill ( i had no dremel available back then). Updates follow …

  • homectrl gateway 3
  • homectrl gateway 2
  • homectrl gateway 1
  • homectrl gateway rpi
  • homectrl gateway display